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Year 2: The Land Dreams in Ceremonies: Reparation #1

 Please note that these ceremonies took place from Sept 2022 - Sept 2023 Year 2: The Land Dreams in Ceremonies: Reparation Ceremony #1  ~   Bright Angel Park   ~  Aug 28-Sept 25, 2022 I felt quite overwhelmed in the beginning and up a very steep learning curve with respect to the project, especially in teaching myself dyeing and eco-printing while also producing the volume of art that I had intended in the timeframe of each lunar cycle: 3 Motanky (one for the land, one for exhibit, and one for gifting), 3 Pysanky, 2 Rushnyky, one written Ancestor Bone, and dyes for the fabric and eggs used in the crafting. By the time I felt grounded with the materials, needs, tasks, and movements it was already full moon, which meant I had only two weeks left for production. The first offering-walk was calming, though felt much too short.   I visited the far-side of the river and park looking for potential dye plants.   Given my lack of experience in dyeing...

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